How to Write a Law Journal Article That Gets Published!

How to Write a Law Journal Article That Gets Published

This article on ‘How to Write a Law Journal Article That Gets Published!’ is a guide for law students. Are you willing to submit a paper for publication in a Journal? Check the Submission Guidelines.


A core interest shared by scholars, practitioners, and aspiring legal minds alike in legal academia is to contribute to the everlasting discussion of legal scholarship by publishing a law journal article. However, navigating the complex procedure of publishing an article that passes the demanding requirements of academic brilliance and catches the attention of highly esteemed journals can be challenging.

A law journal paper involves in-depth knowledge of the subject topic and the capacity to present original insights and contribute to the existing legal discourse.

This article will discuss the importance of structuring your article or research paper logically and coherently, anticipating and responding to objections, and ensuring that your approach is firmly grounded in scholarly research and established law.

Let’s set off on this transformational journey together as we discover the secret to writing a law journal article that not only gets published but also impacts the legal community.


Here are some tips to assist you write a law journal:

  1. Selecting a Compelling and Relevant Topic:
    • Identifying current legal issues and research gaps: Start by keeping up with the, latest developments in the legal industry. Observe new legislation, recent judicial rulings, legislative reforms, or societal changes that could have an impact on the law. These could be interesting subjects for your paper in a law publication. To find any research gaps or topics that require more investigation, you should also do a thorough literature review. You will be able to add something fresh to the body of legal study that already exists.
    • Considering the target audience and journal references: Consider the target audience’s interests, as well as the specific law journal to which you wish to submit your article. Familiarize yourself with the scope of the journal, the types of articles it generally publishes, and any specific areas of interest.
  1. Conducting Thorough Research:
    • Exploring authoritative legal sources: Start by exploring authoritative legal sources such as legal databases, libraries, and online resources that provide access to case law, statutes, regulations, and legal commentaries. Reliable databases like LexisNexis, SCC Online, Manupatra and Legal Upanishad are excellent starting points for your research. Make sure to verify the credibility and reputation of the sources you use to maintain academic integrity.
    • Assessing the validity and reliability of sources: Critical evaluation of your research sources is essential. Assess the reliability and authority of the legal sources you intend to cite. Rely on primary legal sources whenever possible and supplement them with respected secondary sources.
    • Using legal databases, scholarly articles, and books: Use legal databases to look up relevant cases, statutes, and regulations on your issue. To get insights, read scholarly articles and books authored by legal specialists.
    1. Structuring Your Article:
      • Creating an outline to help you organize your ideas: Make a well-structured outline that will serve as a guide for your writing. Your outline can be changed and refined as you conduct research and write.
      • Providing headings and subheadings for the article: Each portion of your article should concentrate on a different aspect of your topic. Use clear and descriptive subheadings to help readers navigate your article and guide them through your argument.
      • Maintaining a logical flow and coherent structure: Pay attention to the logical flow and coherence of your article. Each section should build upon the previous one and lead smoothly into the next.
    1. Supporting Your Arguments with Legal Authorities:

    It is essential to include numerous components that support your ideas. This involves the inclusion of relevant case law. Incorporating relevant case law and statutes strengthens your arguments by demonstrating how legal principles and precedents impact your interpretation. Finally, applying persuasive legal reasoning to back up your arguments guarantees that your conclusions are based on sound logic, supporting your perspective and encouraging readers to engage with your article.

    1. Anticipating and Addressing Counterarguments:

    Anticipating and addressing counterarguments is a crucial aspect of writing a persuasive and well-rounded law journal article. By identifying potential objections and alternative viewpoints, you can demonstrate a thorough understanding of the complexities surrounding your topic. This involves critically analysing the opposing perspectives and acknowledging their validity.

    Anticipating and addressing counterarguments involves identifying objections and alternative viewpoints, formulating effective responses, and demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the topic. By engaging with opposing perspectives, crafting compelling rebuttals, and showcasing expertise, you strengthen your argument and contribute to a well-rounded law journal article.

    1. Adhering to Journal Submission Guidelines:

    Adhering to journal submission guidelines is paramount for a successful publication. Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements, including formatting guidelines, word limits, and citation styles. Additionally, ensure timely submission by meeting deadlines and following the designated submission channels. By respecting these guidelines, you increase the chances of your law journal article being considered for publication.

    1. Editing & Proofreading:

    Ensuring clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy is essential to present a polished law journal article. Additionally, checking citations and referencing accuracy guarantees the integrity of your research. Seek feedback from colleagues or mentors to gain valuable insights and make necessary revisions that enhance the overall quality of your article.


    Submit: Move ahead and send the paper to journals. It is recommended to submit a paper to multiple journals at the same time. Some publications welcome direct submissions via email or mail.

    Here’s a concise list of journals:

    • National University of Juridical Sciences Law Review (NUJSLR)
    • Legal Upanishad Journal (LUJ)
    • National Law School of India Review (NLSIR)
    • Indian Journal of Arbitration Law (IJIAL)
    • Chanakya National Law University Journal (CNLUJ)
    • Journal of Indian Law and Society (JILS)

    Furthermore, there are other internet sites where law journal articles can be published.


    1. Engage in meaningful discussions with legal professionals: While researching and reading scholarly articles is important, seeking out opportunities to engage in conversations with legal professionals can provide unique insights and perspectives. Attend conferences, seminars, or workshops related to your topic and actively participate in discussions.
    2. Collaborate with a peer or mentor for feedback: Beyond seeking feedback from colleagues or mentors, consider collaborating with a peer or mentor throughout the writing process. Establishing a partnership where you exchange drafts, offer constructive criticism, and brainstorm ideas can greatly enhance the quality of your article. Having a fresh set of eyes and diverse perspectives can identify blind spots, improve clarity, and strengthen your arguments.


    Writing a successful legal journal paper needs careful consideration and close attention to crucial steps. To summarize these processes, it is critical to choose a captivating topic, undertake thorough research, and arrange your piece logically and coherently. Incorporating important legal references, responding to counterarguments, and exhibiting a thorough mastery of the topic all help to enhance your case.

    Authors have a unique potential to significantly contribute to the legal discourse. They can do so by contributing novel insights, embracing inter­disciplinary perspectives, and actively participating in research.

    When aiming to write a law journal article with the goal of publication, one must not overlook the significance of both the end result and the ongoing process of continuous learning, growth, and active involvement.


    1. “Tips for getting your Scholarly paper”, Georgetown University Law Center, 2016, available at: (last visited Jul 4, 2023).
    2. Pritam banik, “Top 10 journals for law students in India”, Strictly Legal, 2022, available at: (last visited Jul 4, 2023).

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